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Waiver of public debts

The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, Toeslagen and other public organisations waive most of the debts you and your current benefit partner have with these organisations. You do not have to do anything. So the money you get for the childcare benefit problems does not have to be used to pay off tax or benefit debts.

Only debts incurred before 1 January 2021 are waived. Tax and benefit debts that relate to the year 2020 or older, but for which you will receive an assessment in 2021 and/or later, are also included. We will waive these assessments immediately after they have been imposed.

It is possible that certain debts are paused, but are ultimately not waived. This is because the pause button applies to debts from the time of payment of compensation, while the waiver applies to debts up to 31 December 2020.

We do not waive debts resulting from serious misuse or negligence. You must also continue to pay your normal monthly payments such as motor vehicle tax, water and energy.

Other government organisations

We have made agreements with the municipalities and water boards, the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV), the Central Administration Office for Exceptional Medical Expenses (CAK), the Education Executive Agency (DUO), the Social Insurance Bank (SVB), the National Maintenance Collection Agency (LBIO) and the Central Fine Collection Agency (CJIB). These parties cancel most of the debts incurred by affected parents.

There is one exception. For all these organisations, debts arising from serious misuse are excluded. So they do not waive these debts. And the CJIB will stop collecting outstanding administrative traffic fines. If it is a criminal fine, you still have to pay the fine, but not the additional costs and increases.

When are debts waived?

The waiver of public debts started in June 2021. We have sent a letter about this to many affected parents who have already received at least €30,000. If you receive €30,000 at a later time, you will also receive the letter later.

All public organisations will send a letter once they have waived your debt. The organisations do not send the letters at the same time. It may therefore happen that a debt to the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration is waived earlier than a debt to DUO. It may also be the case that someone else receives a letter from an organisation before you do.

Sharing data

To pause debts, the organisations must know whose debts they have to pause. That is why we share information with them. This is done via a secure portal. We only share data with public organisations. We do not share them with private organisations.

Frequently asked questions

What happens to the public debts of my (former) benefit partner?

The public debts of your benefit partner are also waived. This is subject to the same conditions as those that apply to your own public debts.

We are still looking for a solution for ex-partners who also have public debts due to the childcare benefit problems.

I have already paid off some debts, will they be reimbursed?

Public and/or private debts that you have already paid off are reimbursed in some situations. The article ‘Paid debts’ tells you exactly how this works and how to apply for it.

What happens to the benefits I have to pay back for 2020? The final decision on this will be sent later.

Benefits that are determined later, but which cover the years up to 1 January 2021 are waived. Only in the event of abuse may benefits not be waived.

What happens to future tax debts? For example, the income tax for 2019 and 2020, for which no assessment has yet been imposed.

Tax and benefit debts for which you receive an assessment in 2021 and/or later (but which relate to the period up to 31 December 2020) are also waived. You will receive an assessment stating that you have to pay. After you have received this assessment, we will waive this assessment. You will be informed of this separately (via a decision of the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration). This may take a few weeks.

What happens to public debts when my pause button ends?

After 1 year, the pause button for your debts will end.
Public creditors will inform you of the debts incurred from 1 January 2021. You will receive a letter from each public creditor about the debts you have to pay. This letter also contains information about a payment arrangement. If you need help with this payment arrangement, you should contact the creditor.

Do you need any help?

Are you in financial difficulties due to the childcare benefit problems? Contact your municipality for help.

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