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Former allowance partner scheme

The childcare allowance is always applied for by one parent. Has the applicant been affected? If so, that parent receives financial compensation. The compensation is intended for the whole household. However, there are cases where the payment does not reach all those affected.

Former allowance partners will automatically receive a letter

This could be the case if partners are no longer together, for example. The government has therefore decided to compensate former allowance partners as well. The scheme will start as from September 2023.

We are aware of most of the former allowance partners this scheme is intended for. They may receive an application letter for the scheme as from September 2023.
Have you not received an application letter? In that case, keep an eye on the website from January 2024 onwards to find out what you can do. 

Warning!  Please note

All correspondence with potential former allowance partners is sent in Dutch. That includes the application letter, application form and decision.

I have received an application letter

Have you received an application letter? If so, fill in the application form. Once we have received your application form, UHT (the Allowance Restoration Organisation) will look into whether you meet all the requirements for the scheme. You will then receive a decision stating whether or not you are eligible for the scheme. If the decision is favourable, you are entitled to financial compensation and assistance. 

What are the conditions?

Former allowance partners are eligible for the scheme if condition 1 and 2 below and condition 3a or 3b are met:

  1. You have not previously received compensation from a childcare allowance recovery scheme (Catshuis scheme, compensation scheme, hardship scheme, intent/gross negligence allowance).
  2. You and the recognised affected person had already separated before the recognised affected person received the compensation.
  3. You also meet one of the conditions below. Condition a or condition b:
    a. You were an allowance partner in a year when you and your allowance partner were affected. And the application for the childcare benefit was made for your children or foster children.
    b. You were an allowance partner when we sent the decision that affected the applicant. And you were an allowance partner for at least one year after that decision.

Financial compensation and assistance

Is this scheme intended for you? If so, you are entitled to:

  • An amount of €10,000;
  • Support through your municipality (in the areas of finance, family, work, housing and care);
  • Debt assistance;
  • Help with additional losses.

Former allowance partners abroad

Do you live abroad? If so, you cannot apply to the municipality for broad support. In the application form, you indicate whether you want support from the International Support Team (OTB).  The OTB will contact you if you consent to your data being shared with them.

Have you indicated in the application form that you do not want to share data now but would like to later? If so, contact UHT (contact details link). They can change your consent so you can still share your data with the International Support Team.

Children of former allowance partners

Do you also have one or more children with someone other than your affected ex-partner? If so, they may be eligible for the child scheme. These can also be foster children.

Do you still have any questions? Check the frequently asked questions below to see if your question is among them or contact us.

Do I meet the conditions of the former allowance partner scheme?

The scheme is designed for former allowance partners who meet conditions 1 and 2 and condition 3a or 3b.

  1. You have not previously received compensation from a childcare allowance recovery scheme (Catshuis scheme, compensation scheme, hardship scheme, intent/gross negligence allowance).
  2. You and the recognised affected person had already separated before the recognised affected person received the compensation.
  3. You also meet one of the conditions below. Condition a or condition b:
    a. You were an allowance partner in a year when you and your allowance partner were affected. And the application for the childcare benefit was made for your children or foster children.
    b. You were an allowance partner when we sent the decision that affected the applicant. And you were an allowance partner for at least one year after that decision.

You can only receive the former allowance partner compensation once.

How do I register?

Former allowance partners we believe are eligible will automatically receive an application letter. We will send these letters as from September 2023. The letter contains a QR code you can use to register. If the QR code does not work, the letter also contains a link to the application form. The letters will be sent out in groups as from September 2023. We cannot send all the letters at once. Have you not received a letter by January 2024? And do you want to apply for the scheme? From January 2024, you can find out how it works on the website.

Until when can I apply?

If you receive an application letter from us before 1 January 2024: you can apply until 1 July 2024.If you receive an application letter on or after 1 January 2024: You can apply up to six months from the date of the application letter.
Have you not received an application letter? From January 2024 you can read on the website how to apply.

What is the planning schedule?

We are aware of former allowance partners this scheme is intended for. They may receive an application letter as from September 2023.

  • Have you received a letter? If so, you can apply for the scheme.
  • You will receive confirmation of your application within two weeks.
  • We will then assess whether you are eligible for the scheme.
  • You will receive a letter (decision) within eight weeks of our acknowledging receipt of your application.
  • Does this letter say you are eligible for help and financial compensation? If so, the compensation will be transferred to your account within four weeks.

Do you want to register? The website will tell you how that works from January 2024 onwards.

How is the scheme set up?

If you have received a letter (decision) saying you are eligible for the former allowance partner scheme, you are entitled to financial compensation and help:

How was the sum of €10,000 arrived at?

Serious mistakes have been made with the childcare allowance. Those affected receive €30,000 from the childcare allowance recovery scheme. This amount is intended for the whole family as it was when the childcare allowance problems began.

We have been made aware that this compensation is not always shared in cases where the relationship with the allowance partner has ended. Former allowance partners sometimes also face serious difficulties as a result. The government also wants to give them the opportunity to make a new start.

An amount of €10,000 was decided upon so as not to make the difference too big compared to parents who did stay together. The amount is expected to be sufficient to make a new start.

It is also intended to acknowledge the grief and suffering you have experienced.

If your losses exceed €10,000, assistance is available for that purpose.

When will I receive the €10,000?

After your application, we will check whether the scheme is intended for you. You will receive a letter ('decision') about this. This letter states whether you meet the conditions for the scheme. If so, the compensation will be transferred to the account known to us within four weeks.
Do you want the amount transferred to a different account? If so, you have the opportunity to change your account number up to three weeks after receiving the letter (decision). You can also specify that you want to receive the money later if, for example, you have debts and want to clear them first.

You can change your account via Mijn Belastingdienst. Log in using DigiD. Note that this change applies to all future taxes and allowances. If you wish, you can change the account number again after receiving the payment.

What if the former partner or applicant passed away?

If the applicant has died, you may be eligible for the former allowance partner scheme. If you apply, we can assess whether you meet the conditions of the scheme.

Has the former partner died? More information on a scheme for relatives will come later.

Are my children or foster children now also eligible for the child scheme?

Do you have children who were born or became foster children before you became an allowance partner of the affected applicant? If the children were under 21 on 01-01-2005 or born after 01-01-2005, they may be entitled to the child scheme.

Will my former allowance partner be informed that I am eligible for the former allowance partner scheme?

No, your former allowance partner (allowance applicant) will not be informed that you may be eligible for the former allowance partner scheme.

My question is not among these.

If your question is not listed, please contact the Service Team to ask your question. They will be pleased to help you.

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