Lodging an objection
We make decisions about the restoration of your childcare benefit. Make sure you reach out to your contact person if you don't agree with that decision. Or if you have any questions. Together you will see if you can find a solution. If not, your contact person can also help you lodge and objection.

Objections can only be lodged in writing. The UHT will decide on your objection. The Advisory Committee Regarding Objections (Dutch) will give advice before that decision is made. In principle, the UHT follows the committee’s advice when making its decision.
Step 1. You write your objection
Send us a letter containing your objection. You can use the objection sample form (Dutch, pdf).
If you prefer to write a letter yourself, your letter should at least include the following information:
- your name and address, your telephone number and your citizen service number
- the reference number of the letter to which your objection relates (this can be found at the top right of the letter to which you object)
- the fact that you lodge an objection
- the decision you disagree with
- why you disagree with the decision
- the number of enclosures (evidence)
- the date and your signature
Free legal aid
Do you find filing an objection complicated? Affected parents can receive free legal assistence.
- Send your letter of objection within 16 weeks. The 16 weeks count from the date mentioned on the letter to which you object.
- Always keep a copy of your letter of objection for yourself.
- Do you have evidence to support your objection, such as invoices and letters? Please send it as an enclosure. Only send copies! You keep the original. Put your citizen service number on each page of the enclosures.
Send your objection to:
Kinderopvangtoeslag UHT
Antwoordnummer 21460
6400 SN Heerlen
You can write a letter yourself or use our form.
- ‘Objection’ form (Dutch, pdf)
Step 2. You collect the enclosures you want to send
- Do you have any evidence to support your objection, such as invoices and letters? Please send it as an enclosure.
- Please note: Only send copies! You keep the original.
- Put your citizen service number on each page of the enclosures.
Step 3. You send the objection to us
Send your letter of objection within 16 weeks
Send your letter of objection within 16 weeks. The 16 weeks count from the date mentioned on the letter to which you object.
Sending the objection by post
Send your letter or completed form to :
Kinderopvangtoeslag UHT
Antwoordnummer 21460
6400 SN Heerlen
Step 4. You will receive a confirmation of receipt
You will receive a confirmation of receipt of your objection. We will send a confirmation of receipt of an objection within 2 weeks of receiving it.
Step 5. We inform you of our decision on your objection
You will receive a letter containing the UHT’s decision on your objection. The letter also explains why we have made this decision. And what the consequences are. For example, that you will or will not receive more money.
Within what time frame must the UHT decide?
We must decide on your objection in time. This is within 18 weeks from the date of the letter to which you objected. For example: the letter you object to is from 1 January and you object on 1 February. We must then make a decision before 7 May (18 weeks after 1 January).
We may extend the 18-week period by 6 weeks. If necessary, we will let you know before the 18 weeks have expired. Has the decision period expired and have you not received a response from us (decision or extension of the period)? Then you can hold us accountable for it. This is called declaring us in default.
Step 6. You can lodge an appeal
If you disagree with our decision on your objection, you can lodge an appeal.
Have you received a letter saying that we see no reason yet to pay you €30,000? And do you disagree with this? Please contact our Aftercare Team. They can find out for you why this conclusion was reached during the first assessment. And they can restore this if the assessment was not done properly.
Integrated assessment
After the above letter, you have not been rejected for restoration. The first assessment is always followed by a more extensive assessment. We call this the integrated assessment. We will take a closer look at your situation together. Only then will you receive a final decision on restoration.
Do you still want to object to our decision that we see no reason to pay you €30,000 at this point? You can do so. Information about how to do so can be found above. It is important to know, however, that you can only object to the first assessment and not to other parts of your assessment.