Debts already paid
Have you been affected and paid debts that we might have been able to cancel for you? We call these already paid debts. If so, this money will be refunded in some cases.
If you have already paid government debts
After you registered, did you pay debts to the government (public debts) incurred before 1 January 2021? If so, you will be reimbursed if we cancel these debts. You will receive the money from the government organisation you paid the debt to. You do not need to take any action yourself. Do you have any questions about this? If so, contact the government organisation refunding the money.
If you have already paid debts with companies
Have you repaid debts incurred to companies between 1 January 2006 and 1 June 2021? If so, you can be reimbursed in some cases. You will need to submit these debts to Loket Al Betaalde Schulden of Sociale Banken Nederland (SBN). SBN can help you in 2 different situations:
Debts paid after you received money from us
Did you pay off debts you had with companies with the compensation amount you received from us? For example, the € 30,000? If it is to pay off a debt to a company and the debt was incurred between 1 January 2006 and 1 June 2021, you may get this money back.
Important: SBN asks you to show that you paid the debt yourself after receiving our payment. Read more about what evidence SBN requires (Dutch).
On 31 October 2023, you were recognised as an affected person and received €30,000. A few weeks later, you transferred €894.86 to to pay off a debt. The debt in question had been outstanding since February 2021. This debt could have been resolved by SBN for you. This is an already paid debt, and you can submit it to SBN's Loket Al Betaalde Schulden.
Debts paid before you were recognised as an affected person
You will get this money back only if it is only at the comprehensive assessment that you were found to have been affected. These are only debts you have paid in the period between the outcome of the first assessment and the comprehensive assessment.
Important: SBN asks you to show that you have paid the debt yourself in the period between the result of the first test and the comprehensive assessment. Read more about what evidence SBN requires (Dutch).
On 1 May 2023, you received the results of your first assessment: no reason had yet been found to establish that you had been affected. You wanted a further investigation of your situation and were waiting for your comprehensive assessment. This showed that you had been affected after all. You received the final decision on 24 April 2024.
While waiting for the full assessment, you paid off debts incurred before 1 June 2021. You would have submitted these debts to SBN if you had been told you were affected after the first assessment. You can submit these already paid debts to SBN's Loket Al Betaalde Schulden.
Submit already paid debts to SBN
You submit these already paid debts to SBN's Loket Al Betaalde Schulden (Dutch). However, you must be able to prove that the debt existed and that you paid it. And that the payment period had expired between 1 January 2006 and 1 June 2021. SBN will then assess the eligibility of the paid debts.
You can pass on these debts up to six months after the final decision. You will receive this decision after the comprehensive assessment.
Deletion of negative BKR record
Ask the creditor to which you paid the debt to delete the negative BKR record. SBN cannot do this for you. This is usually possible if you indicate that you are an affected parent.
Important to know
To properly assess your application, SBN needs information about the debt. This information is usually on an invoice, reminder or reminder notice. SBN also needs proof of payment of this debt. This information is usually on a proof of payment, such as a bank statement. For more information on evidence, visit SBN (Dutch).
Frequently asked questions
What do I need before I submit already paid debts?
Most importantly, you must have information about the debt:
- What kind of debt is it?
- In whose name was the debt?
- That the payment deadline expired before 1 June 2021 (i.e. that there was a debt)
You submit this information to SBN by sending a bill (with the due date), reminder or demand for payment. It is also important to have information about how you paid the debt. This can be done by sending in a bank statement.
What happens if I inform SBN about already paid debts late?
You will receive a rejection decision if you submit your debts after your end date. This means we cannot assess your debts. Should there be an exceptional situation justifying why you could not submit your debt on time, please explain this in your objection.
What happens after I submit my already paid debts to SBN?
SBN checks the application and evidence.
- If necessary, they will contact you for additional information.
- You will receive a letter from SBN setting out the amounts that will and will not be reimbursed (decision).
- The money will be transferred by de Belastingdienst/Dienst Toeslagen.
Payment is made within a month of the decision being sent.
Which already paid debts cannot be resolved?
Debts to companies you paid off before receiving compensation from us cannot be repaid. Did it only turn out after the comprehensive assessment that you had been affected after all? In that case, an exception applies.
Can my (possibly former) allowance partner also submit debts to SBN's Loket Al Betaalde Schulden?
No, only the affected parent who received compensation can file these debts. There is a separate scheme for former allowance partners. Read more about the debt scheme for former allowance partners.
I have my own business and have paid business debts from the compensation I received. Can I submit these, too?
Are you affected and self-employed (ZZP) or owner of a partnership, VOF, CV or shipping company? If so, you are personally liable for business debts of these corporate forms. In these cases, if you have paid business debts from compensation, you can also submit these debts to SBN's Loket Al Betaalde Schulden.
Please note: If you have business debts, you can have up to €300,000 cancelled or reimbursed over 3 years. Stricter rules also apply in some sectors. This is because of European state aid rules. If you are potentially close to this limit, Team Zakelijk Schulden will contact you to further review your situation and determine what is possible.
Can I also file already paid debts to foreign creditors?
Yes, debts owed to foreign creditors are also eligible for repayment. You can also submit these to SBN. The same rules apply for this as for other debts.