Government debts
Do you have debts with the Belastingdienst, Dienst Toeslagen or other government organisations? We refer to that as public debt. After you register with UHT, we put these debts on hold (debt pause) Have you been affected? If so, we cancel some debts. These are government debts incurred up to 1 January 2021. You do not need to take any action.
Government debts are public debts
These are debts with the Belastingdienst and Dienst Toeslagen, municipalities, water boards, UWV, CAK, DUO, Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB), Landelijk Bureau Inning Onderhoudsbijdragen (LBIO) and Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau (CJIB). We call this public debt.
After your application, we pause your debts
Immediately after your application, we pause your debts with the government. This also applies to the debts of your benefit partner. Important! this usually only concerns debts incurred before 1 January 2021. For this purpose, we share your data with government organisations.
You will receive a message from the government organisations themselves explaining the debt pause. This message may vary from one organisation to another. Have your public debts been paused? If so, you will temporarily not have to pay these debts. While debts are paused, government organisations may continue to send you letters about your paused debts. However, they cannot compel you to pay them. However, it might still be worth doing so. The debt is usually higher after the debt pause as interest continues to accrue.
We cancel most debts
Have you received the results of the first test or the comprehensive assessment? And have you been affected? We cancel debts with the Belastingdienst, Dienst Toeslagen and other government organisations incurred before 1 January 2021 wherever possible. This also applies to your benefit partner. Each government organisation will contact you for this purpose.
There is an important exception. Debts incurred through serious abuse or fraud will not be cancelled by all government organisations. If you receive a fine for this debt, we will not waive it.
This is what you should do for debts we do not cancel
Debts to public organisations incurred after 1 January 2021 will not be cancelled. The organisations will send you letters themselves if you are still in debt. In some cases, you do not have to pay these debts yet, e.g. during the debt pause. But you will have to pay these debts eventually. Make agreements with creditors on how you will pay them. You may also pay debts before the pause ends.
Are you not affected? The debt pause will stop, and your debts will not be cancelled. You will then have to pay your debts again.
The pause button lasts for 1 year
The 1-year pause button begins as soon as you are acknowledged to have been affected. This could be after the first assessment if you receive €30,000 or after the comprehensive assessment. A formal word for this pause button is 'moratorium'. During this year, creditors cannot compel you and your benefits partner to pay debts incurred before you received €30,000. For this purpose, we share your data with government organisations. However, it is always possible to continue paying your debts during the pause button.
When I applied, only my public debts were paused until 1 January 2021. But I also have more government debt from 2022/2023. At the end of 2023, it was confirmed that I had been affected and received €30,000. My debts until 1 January 2021 will be cancelled wherever possible. This is also when the 1-year pause button comes into effect. My 2022/2023 debts (new debts) have now been paused for 1 year under the pause button. At the end of 2024, I must start to repay all outstanding debts again.
When the debt pause ends
Once the pause button ends, creditors can compel you to start paying again. Do you have any outstanding debts that we have not cancelled? If so, you will have to start paying those debts again. Government organisations and bailiffs where you have a debt will contact you. Payment arrangements are often possible. For this purpose, make your own arrangements with the creditor.
Requesting a debt statement
Do you not know exactly what debts you have? In that case, it is useful to have a debt history. We can help you with an overview of your debts with Dienst Toeslagen and the Belastingdienst. We cannot view debts with other government organisations for you. For this purpose, contact the government organisation where you have a debt.
You will be reimbursed with debts already paid
Since registering with us, have you paid any debts to the government that arose in the period up to 1 January 2021? If so, you will be reimbursed if we cancel these debts. The government organisation you paid the debt to will refund this money to you.
Frequently asked questions
What are examples of public debts being cancelled?
We only cancel debts incurred before 1 January 2021. These include, for example, a demand for repayment of your rent allowance, an income tax or motor vehicle tax assessment and a sewerage and waste collection assessment. Criminal fines and debts incurred through serious abuse or fraud are not waived.
Do you have specific questions about which debt we do or do not cancel? If so, it is best to seek information from the relevant government organisation. Or check this page for information on which government debts we cancel.
What is the difference between the debt pause and the pause button?
The debt pause and pause button are both a kind of payment break. During the payment break, creditors do not compel you to pay your debts. They may still send you reminders. Also, interest usually continues to be accrued. There are also differences:
- The debt pause only covers public debts, usually only your debts incurred before 1 January 2021. The debt pause on public debts begins when you apply as a potentially affected person and ends when your situation has been clarified. Sometimes, this is only after the comprehensive assessment. When the debt pause stops depends on your situation.
- If you have been affected, you have a pause button of 1 year. This pause button takes effect from when you receive the €30,000 and covers all debts incurred before you received the €30,000. The pause button never lasts more than 1 year. The pause button is also there for your debts to the government and companies.
What happens to my (possibly former) benefits partner's debts with the government?
Your allowance partner's debts to the government will also be paused after your application and waived if you are found to have been affected. The same conditions apply for this as for your own debts to the government.
A separate restore scheme has been set up for former allowance partners who are also in debt to the government due to childcare benefit problems. Read more about debt help for former allowance partners.
What if I am in a Wsnp or Msnp process?
We also help parents and benefit partners in a debt process as much as possible to resolve government debts. The date on which the Wsnp or Msnp process started determines what is possible.
Will my debts to the government be cancelled even if I live abroad?
Yes, even then, Dutch government organisations will cancel your debts by 1 January 2021 as much as possible. Do you have debts with a foreign government incurred before 1 January 2021? We do not share your data with these organisations. Therefore, you must report these debts yourself to Loket Private Schulden of SBN (Sociale Banken Nederland). This can be done up to six months after it is established that you have been affected.
Will my business debts with the government also be cancelled?
Are you affected and self-employed (ZZP) or owner of a sole proprietorship, partnership, VOF, CV or shipping company? If so, you are personally liable for business debts of these corporate forms. In these cases, if you have business debts with the government that were incurred before 1 January 2021, we will also cancel them. Criminal fines and debts due to serious abuse or fraud do not qualify. Business debts from a BV or NV are also not eligible for remission.
Please note: If you have business debts, you can have up to €300,000 cancelled or reimbursed over 3 years. Stricter rules also apply in some sectors. This is because of European state aid rules. If you are potentially close to this limit, Team Zakelijk Schulden will contact you to further review your situation and determine what is possible.