Your personal case officer
A personal case officer will contact you once it's your turn for the integrated assessment. Together you will decide how we can best help you. Your personal case officer will help you throughout the entire process; from the initial intake interview until the final decision and subsequent payment.

Your personal case officer is available for questions during the process. If necessary, your personal case officer can put you in touch with your municipality (gemeente) or with Victim Support Netherlands.
All of the personal case officers have had intensive training. They work toward resolving your personal situation, together with you. They have not been involved with your case file in the past. The personal case officers cooperate with other experts within the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. This way, we can help you in the best way possible.
Agreeing on frequency of contact
You and your personal case officer agree on how often you wish to be in touch. We can change your preference should you choose to do so.
If you would prefer someone else to deal with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration on your behalf, you can authorise someone else to act as your "proxy". Your personal case officer can help you with this. Once you have a proxy, your personal case officer will contact this person form that moment onward.
Changing your personal case officer
Your personal case officer is your point of contact throughout the entire restore process. It is important that you get along with your personal case officer. In case you wish another personal case officer, please contact the Service Team Benefit Restoration.
We contact on first in, first out base
Parents who requested their case files first are also the first to be contacted. You do not have to call yourself to start the restore process. View the planning of the restore process.
Questions about your personal case file
You will also be contacted by a personal case officer if you have requested your personal case file. Together with your personal case officer, you will discuss how we can best help you. Do you have a specific question? Or perhaps you prefer a summary of your personal case file instead of your entire personal case file?
Bear in mind that you do not always need an entire case file. An entire personal case file is not needed to be entitled to compensation. Perhaps you only have questions about your personal situation or perhaps you're only looking for a certain topic in your case file. In these cases we can provide you with better service by focusing on the questions you have.