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Desk for private debts

Are you in private debt because of the childcare benefit problems? You can report your payment arrears to the desk for private debts. This desk has been set up by Sociale Banken Nederland (SBN). SBN pays the debts directly to the creditor, so not to you. You do not have to do anything.

For debts and extra costs

SBN pays most private debts incurred between 1 January 2006 and 1 June 2021. SBN also pays all the extra costs that come on top of the debts. For example, interest, collection costs or contractual penalties.

Report your debts immediately at https://www.sbn.nl/

9 steps to a solution

You can report your debts via the desk for private debts. What happens next, who does what and how long it takes is shown in this step-by-step plan.

  1. You are a victim and are entitled to debt settlement.
  2. You hand in your list of debts.
  3. SBN checks your list of debts.
  4. SBN compares the amounts with those of the creditor.
  5. SBN sends you a letter. (There are 12 weeks between step 3 and step 5.)
  6. You will receive a letter stating:
    1. amounts that are different. You have 2 weeks to respond, or
    2. amounts that we are going to pay.
  7. SBN pays the creditor.
  8. The creditor receives the money after 2 weeks.
  9. The creditor removes the registration with the Credit Registration Office (BKR).
Please note!  SBN Service Centre

Do you have questions about the desk for private debts? About how to fill in the form, for example? Or about the deadlines? A lot of information can be found on the SBN website.
If your question is not listed, please contact the SBN Service Centre: 088 – 141 05 60. It is open from Mon to Thu from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

I do not know all my debts. Can I still report debts to the desk for private debts?

In any case, report the debts that you do know about to the desk for private debts. And especially any debts owed to bailiffs. Your other debts can be passed on later. You can pass on a list of debts as often as necessary.

When is a debt repaid? And to whom?

SBN pays any arrears or unpaid bills if they arose between 1 January 2006 and 1 June 2021.

SBN pays the debts directly to the creditors. So we do not transfer the money to you.

Will my loan from friends or family also be paid off?

No, any informal debts cannot be passed on to the desk for private debts. Do you have a loan from family or friends? And did you register it with a notary between 1 January 2006 and 1 June 2021? Then it is a formal loan. The arrears for this debt can be reported to the desk.

What is Sociale Banken Nederland (SBN)?

Sociale Banken Nederland (SBN) helps to solve debts. Through SBN, credit banks and municipalities work together by making agreements with creditors. Do you have any questions about SBN? Or about the desk for private debts? A lot of information can be found on the SBN website. If your question is not listed, please contact the SBN Service Centre: 088 – 141 05 60. It is open from Mon to Thu from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

My pause button has expired. Can I still report my debts to the desk for private debts?

Yes, you can. And we advise you to do so as soon as possible.
Because if your pause button has expired and you have not yet passed on a judicial debt, the following can happen:

  • The bailiff will visit you.
  • You find out that your wages have been garnished, or (part of) your income goes straight to those you are in debt to.
  • Late payments and a BKR registration prevent you from getting a mortgage, while you are required to have your finances sorted out in a few days.

Emergency procedure for private debts

If your private debt is covered by the Private Debt Decree and if you get into acute problems, you can use the emergency procedure for private debts. You will be helped within a few hours. See if your private debt is covered by this decree.

How does the procedure work?

Call the Service Team Benefit Restoration: 0800 - 2 358 358 (free of charge).
They will put you in direct contact with the Broad Assistance Team. They will check whether your situation is urgent and will help you immediately.

Can I also report my business debts to the desk for private debts?

Are you a self-employed worker without employees? Or are you the owner of a one-man business, partnership, general partnership, limited partnership or shipping company? Then you are personally liable for business debts incurred by these types of companies. Therefore, you may also report these debts to the desk for private debts. Please take into account the ‘de minimis scheme’. Under this scheme, your company may only receive up to €200,000 in 3 years’ time. This is a European law.

If you qualify for the de minimis scheme, you can report your business debts to the desk for private debts. You do this as follows:

  • Please indicate on the form that you are an entrepreneur.
  • Then report your business debts to the desk.
  • A member of staff from the credit bank will then contact you.

Do you have another type of company, such as a public company, private company, foundation or association? In that case, you can only pass on your private debts.

Can my administrator also pass on debts to the desk for private debts?

Yes, he can.
However, the fee you pay for this cannot be passed on by the administrator to the desk for private debts. As soon as it is known when this will be possible and how this fee will be paid, we will let you and the administrator know.

SBN has decided not to pay off (part of) my debts. I do not agree with this. How can I object to this?

You can object to a decision made by SBN.
You can do this by sending a notice of objection.

Please state the following in your objection

  • your name
  • your citizen service number (BSN)
  • address
  • telephone number
  • date
  • copy of SBN’s decision you object to
  • what you disagree with
  • why you disagree with this
  • your signature.

If you have any supporting documents, please enclose copies. Keep the original supporting documents yourself. Also make a copy of your objection for yourself.

Send your objection to:
Kinderopvangtoeslag – Private Schulden
Postbus 1599
3500 BN Utrecht

SBN's decision states the exact date by which your objection must be submitted. This is in any case within 6 weeks of the date of the decision.

If you want to know more about submitting an objection, please visit How can I object to a government decision? | Rijksoverheid.nl (Dutch).

I have objected to SBN’s decision. What happens to my objection?

I have objected to SBN’s decision. What happens to my objection?

If SBN has decided not to pay (part of) your debts, you can object to this. As soon as we have received your objection, we will reassess your debts. We will check whether SBN made the right decision.

We want to assess your objection and debts carefully. Unfortunately, that takes time. We will try to let you know within 6 weeks in a letter whether we will change our decision following your objection.

If it does take longer, we will also send you a message.

If we think the decision should be different, we will adjust the initial decision. In that case, we will take over debts from you that were previously rejected in whole or in part.

If we stick to our decision, we will not pay off the debts (or part of the debts). You then pay the debts yourself. Are you unable to? Or do you have other problems? Maybe your municipality can help you.

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