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Frequently asked questions

Here, you can find answers to the frequently asked questions.

What is hzk?

It is the abbreviation for huurtoeslag, zorgtoeslag en het kindgebonden budget. Or in English: rent allowance, care allowance and child-related budget. Someone may be disadvantaged for one or more allowances. The child-related budget is also an allowance.

When is it my turn?

When we start implementing the hzk scheme, it will be announced on this website. You will automatically receive a letter if you are eligible for the scheme.

How can I register for the scheme?

You cannot register for the hkz scheme. We know which people are disadvantaged. They will automatically receive a letter.

Is more help and support offered for this scheme?

No, you cannot receive extra help or support for the hzk scheme.

You can contact your municipality for general help and advice in the areas of debts, housing, family, work or health.

I no longer live in the Netherlands. Do I still qualify for the scheme?

Yes, it doesn’t matter that you live abroad.

As the heir of the deceased applicant, do I qualify for the hzk scheme?

No, the hkz scheme is not available for heirs.

What is institutionally biased action?

This means that Belastingdienst/Toeslagen assumed from the start that someone was not entitled to allowance(s). And that this person was not given any or insufficient opportunity to demonstrate that he was entitled to the allowance(s). Belastingdienst/Toeslagen did this because someone was involved in a fraud investigation. A group of people was disadvantaged in this way.

What is a CAF case?

In the past, a CAF case was an investigation to determine whether fraud had been committed. That investigation was then done in a case in which an (intermediary) person or office applied for allowances for people. If it appeared fraud was being committed, the rent allowance, care allowance and/or the child-related budget was stopped for all people who were represented by this agency. People had to pay back their allowance(s). Afterwards, it turned out fraud had been committed in only a few cases. People therefore wrongfully had to pay back their allowances.

What does O/GS mean?

O/GS stands for ‘opzet of grove schuld’. Or in English: intent or gross negligence. O/GS stamps were given if Belastingdienst/Toeslagen suspected that someone was deliberately passing on incorrect information. Or if information was missing. For example, information about a person’s income or about the costs of childcare. Due to the strict fraud policy, Belastingdienst/Toeslagen were too quick to assume people did this on purpose. As a result, these people were wrongly denied a personal payment scheme or were wrongly not receiving cooperation in a debt settlement.

What happens to the O/GS stamp next to my name?

The O/GS stamp no longer has any consequences. To find out whether someone has been disadvantaged, we must leave the stamp in the system. Otherwise, those who are disadvantaged cannot be helped.

Can I still obtain an O/GS stamp?

No, it is no longer possible to obtain an O/GS stamp.